Contemplative Living Retreats
Contemplative Living Retreats
“The spiritual life does not remove us from this world but leads us deeper into it.” ~Henri Nouwen
We are aching for more!
Many events and experiences recently and over the past several years are lingering longer than most of us imagined. We are reevaluating our lives as we search for meaning and understanding. We try to make sense of all that has happened personally and collectively. Many questions and thoughts come to mind, and our uneasiness, anxiety, and heartache push us toward our Heavenly Father. Paying careful attention to our spiritual, emotional, and physical health is crucial to our own and others’ capacity to live fully alive.
Life is full of unexpected curves and foreseeable highs and lows. Some days we long for more, and on others, we ache for something different. What do you do with the yearning and desire for the “abundant life” Jesus promises?
God invites us into a deep, genuine, personal, full, and sustainable life with Him. You can experience a maturing depth in your walk with God. Are you intrigued and wondering how this could be possible for you?
Contemplative Living Retreats (CLR) is a leisurely-paced yet extensive introduction to contemplative living. Here are a few of the fruits (aka benefits) of participating.
It will strengthen your relationship with the Trinity
Expand your view of the spiritual life
Discover your God-given desires
Find life-giving rhythms
Expand your self-awareness
Bring about inner healing
Refine your discernment and
Guide you toward a deep-rooted sense of purpose.
That's a lot, and it's completely within your reach.
Contemplative Living Retreats
Contemplative Living Retreats emphasize two things. The first is that the CLR is a communal journey, not a solo trek. Over the course of this formative period in your life, you’ll travel with a cohort. That cohort will be instrumental in the change you experience, which is only natural. After all, we’re not islands; our lives are entangled for better or worse — and in this case better. In short, we provide you with an important band of brothers and sisters.
Second, although the quarterly retreats are valuable, they’re not the epicenter of this formative experience. They launch you into a practice that gets deepened in the interval between the retreats. The guided retreats provide a framework for understanding both conceptually and experientially exactly what you’re getting into for the next 3 months and why it’s so important for your own spiritual formation.
CLR is set up as a two-year experience, but you can commit to Year 1 and Year 2 separately. In committing to either year, you’re saying yes to all four retreats for that year, not just the ones that may interest you more. Each retreat builds slowly upon the other and on the spiritual practices you engage in between retreats.
The first four focus heavily on one’s inner work. The last four help one become aware of how the inner work touches the outer world, culminating in a Rule of Life and a stronger sense of mission. All retreats have a consistent rhythm of communal, experiential learning followed by individual communion with God and time to process afterward.
The 8 Modules
Module 1 Soul Rest-Slowing down to get in touch with our deepest desires. Key Practice: Sabbath
Module 2 Soul Space- Creating space for God through solitude and silence. Key Practice: Silent reflection & prayer / Periods of Solitude
Module 3 Soul Feeding- Engaging the Scriptures relationally. Key Practice: Lectio Divina & Imaginative Prayer
Module 4 Soul Connecting- Experiencing God through embodied prayer. Key Practice: Centering Prayer, Breath Prayer, Walking Prayer
Module 5 Soul Awareness- Growing in self-awareness. Key Practice: Self-examination via the Enneagram
Module 6 Soul Healing-Releasing what hinders life with God. Key Practice: Attachment Inventory / Healing Steps
Module 7 Soul Knowing- Attuning to the movements and invitations of God with others. Key Practice: Clearness Committee / Group Spiritual Direction
Module 8 Soul Making- Crafting rhythms and relationships that shape, guide, and sustain us. Key Practice: Developing a Rule of Life
Participant Agreements
Commit to the entire year (4 guided retreats)
Practice the practice – not only at the retreat but, more importantly, during the interval between retreats
Read the books - a leisurely pace of approximately 1 book every 2 months
Write a 1-page reflection before each retreat
Connect with fellow cohort members to encourage one another
Meet with a spiritual director or companion monthly (not required but highly recommended)
There are two options to attend CLR; in-person or virtually. Laura Longville facilitates CLR and will be held physically in Rapid City, South Dakota, or Nashville, TN. Virtual retreats are held on Zoom. Click here for answers to frequently asked questions.
The in-person CLR is held at a private home in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota and/or at Terra Sancta Retreat Center. Nestled in the pines, the residence is quiet, with areas for rest and reflection, access to peaceful hiking trails, and outdoor worship areas, all to keep company with God. Nourishing food and sustaining hearty conversations nurture your Spirit-filled experience.
Year 1 In-Person cohort fees: Rapid City, SD 2025-2026 dates
September 12-13, 2025 January 9-10, 2026 April 17-18, 2026 July 10-11, 2026
early registration discount
Register before May 1, 2025 and receive a $75 discount/individual and $150 for couples.
FINAL registration deadline: August 1, 2025
Retreat fees with overnight accommodations- Individual $1300/year per individual or $2350/ year per couple.
See FAQ for detailed information.
Additional costs include recommended books and transportation to Rapid City, SD, and/or retreat location.
Year 2 In-Person cohort fees: rapid city, SD 2025-2026 DATES
October 31-November 1, 2025 January 31- February 1, 2026
May 1-2, 2026 August 21-22, 2026
early registration discount
Register before August 1st, 2025, and receive a $75 discount/individual.
FINAL registration deadline: August 20th, 2025
Retreat fees with overnight accommodations- Individual $1300/year per individual or $2350/ year per couple.
See FAQ for detailed information.
Additional costs include recommended books and transportation to Rapid City, SD, and/or retreat location.
Next Steps
TO REGISTER, click here. After you email Laura, she will contact you to schedule a time to visit. Please contact Laura Longville at 605.381.9435 or Email Laura with any questions.
Frequently asked questions
Frequently Asked Questions Click Here -to find answers to our most asked questions.
See testimonies of a few who have attended CLR below
Attended Contemplative Living Retreats Together
Through the Contemplative Living Retreats (CLR), I learned to connect with God by trying new spiritual practices and was awakened to the Spirit. I was given a new spiritual life. ~Carolyn
I have more motivation to be with God. I have a greater trust in Him and feel more content. Because of the CLR, my view of God has broadened to be more loving. ~Jim
As a couple, we appreciated hearing the same information and having a group to process with. It was helpful to have encouragement and accountability.
Challenged in a Good Way
Over the past several years, I have read many books on contemplative living, spiritual practices and spiritual formation.
Through the contemplative living retreat experience, I was able to have a place to put them into practice in a more intentional and structured way.
Laura provided a welcoming, gentle space to explore the formation disciplines and also be challenged in my faith journey. I will continue to be blessed through this experience. ~Teresa B
CLR is transformational!
My journey with Laura and the CLR retreats have been transformational. I have experienced God in new and refreshing moments.
My reading of scripture has been the most beautiful change. I have eyes to see and ears to hear His Word. No longer do I read a verse and continue on. I stop, reflect, and let it sink deep into my inner being, allowing it to be my life song.
Sabbath now has an important role in my week. I rest with Him. Worship Him and honor Him (along with myself.)
My relationship with retreats are pinnacle. I have a heart for the solitude and silence that I've experienced in CLR, where we step back, lean in, and listen to our Father.
I recommend this course for all who want a deeper spiritual walk with Jesus and want to know His plan for life now as well as into eternity. ~ Gloria W.