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Services Summary


Spiritual Formation


Contemplative living retreats (CLR)

An opportunity to come apart before you come apart. You learn to live at a slower pace and with more intention, meaning, and purpose.

Contemplative Living Retreats (formerly The School of Contemplative Life) is a leisurely paced, yet extensive introduction to contemplative living. It’s a communal journey, that is experiential and interactive.

Spiritual Direction

Are you longing for a different, deeper, or more meaningful spiritual life? Spiritual Direction is a journey to find God in your story, helps to foster a deeper relationship with God, discern God’s will and so much more.

Spiritual Direction (SD) can lead to a life full of gratitude and a hope in things to come. SD is done individually and in a group format.

Ignatian Exercises

If you are ready to be intentional in your spiritual formation, Ignatian Exercises can provide guidance and structure to your formation. 

Going through the Ignatian Exercises you will learn to notice what is moving in your heart, and discern which movements are coming from the deepest core of your being, where God is indwelling.