““Spiritual direction helped me be more aware of God in my surroundings and daily activities. He reminds me of little things that make a big difference. Spiritual Direction also helped me visualize my “resting place” and helped me get there.” ”
“As I journeyed through the Ignatian Exercises (IE), I learned to slow down, reflect, to go back and pray again on a short passage of Scripture. I learned how to pray with Scripture, not just study it. As the months progressed, I felt like I was slowly released from my captivity of activity. I found joy and delight in the rhythms of IE and began to experience the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in new ways. ”
“My journey with Laura and the Contemplative Living Retreats has been transformational. I have experienced God in new and refreshing moments. ”
Counseling and coaching Testimonies
“Laura gave me the best gift ever; Hope.”
“We’ve had a lot of financial troubles over the years; loss of physical health, job and bankruptcy. Laura’s coaching gave us hope and a new sense of vision so we can create our lives together. We are also learning to share more of the financial obligations together. Thanks Laura for your guidance and expertise! It’s changed our lives.”
“I have gained much more self-confidence in a relatively short period of time. I am intentionally living closer in line with who I am and who God has created me to be. I’ve regained some of the vigor and zest for life that I thought was lost forever and I will be able to pass this onto my kids. I am truly blessed.”
“I’ve been busy being a mother and caregiver for so many years I didn’t really know what I wanted. NOW, truth be told, I am clear on what I am good at, what my gifts are and what I can contribute to the world. I have a map that is guiding me towards my goals and visions. Laura gives me the support, guidance, tools and the determination to do things I didn’t have before!”
“We felt like failures in our finances but now we have the key to unlock the ball and chain that was around our neck. Now we have practical tools to open communication and have a clearer understanding the role of money has in our life. We are empowered to move forward as a couple.”
“After my husband died I really didn’t know what I was going to do. Laura helped me identify my dream; to become a renowned author. I never thought it could really be possible. I have taken more steps towards that goal in the last 2 months than I have in a life time. I have a plan of action that will get me to my dream of being a celebrated author.”
Speaking Services
Laura Longville is a delight to partner up with to impact the Kingdom. Our women’s group at our church has asked Laura numerous times to speak to our Wednesday night group and at our Spring and Fall retreats. This past Fall she shared a message that continues to impact the ladies on a day to day basis. Laura’s messages are thought provoking, applicable to everyday life, and anointed. She is a gifted speaker and does a wonderful job keeping her audience engaged. Listening to Laura is like sitting next to a waterfall; you want to drink up everything she has to say.
Chris Schmidt and Lornell Haggerty co-leaders, Fully Alive Ministry, Rimrock Church
equine workshops & Consulting
“Before this workshop I didn’t feel good about myself; as I am getting divorced. After Laura’s workshop I felt validated as a beautiful woman who has many strengths. For the first time in my life I am able to truly feel like “I am a woman of worth”.”
“I had no idea a human could learn so much about themselves from a horse. But I rode that horse with full confidence that I was a woman of worth and now I know what I am doing in the next chapter of my life. Laura, you and your programs perform miracles!”
“Our time in SD was amazing. I had no idea how powerful equine therapy would be. The combination of your talents as therapist were phenomenal. We were able to instantly access years of trouble in communication and find solutions within minutes with the help of the horses.”
“We are going to continue this work because it was truly live altering for both of us. For that we are deeply grateful.”
“Laura is exceptional in her abilities to listen, facilitate a safe and effective working environment with individuals, couples, and groups. She has outstanding skills in experiential and cognitive therapies, substance abuse counseling, couples and family counseling. Her faith is a source of strength and grounding, and allows her to accept clients as they come with no judgments. I highly endorse and recommend Laura.”
Sheila Maitland, LPCS
“I’ve known Laura for more than 20 years and she is brilliant at her work. She’s energetic, wise and has a great sense of humor that comes through when she works with people. I whole heartily recommend Laura, she’s the real deal!”