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SSP and RRP Listening Therapies

Powerful Listening Therapies

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) and Rest and Restore Therapy (RRP) are powerful listening therapies designed to help regulate the nervous system so you can better connect with yourself, others, and the world around you.



  • When our nervous system is regulated, it’s easier to sleep, eat, digest, concentrate, communicate and participate in meaningful relationships. We can better respond to difficult situations and move past them instead of reacting and getting “stuck” in them.

  • Become attuned to and more in control of emotions, so you can move through temporary setbacks with more flexibility and ease.

  • By activating the part of your brain that allows us to be more social, affectionate and connected, the SSP can help shift you into a state where you are more comfortable and at ease engaging with others, leading to deeper and more meaningful relationships.


How it Works

Through the specially filtered music, the SSP and RRP send cues of safety to your nervous system, building the foundation for awareness, embodiment, and resilience.

The music of the SSP or RRP is unlike any other. Each track has been filtered through a patented algorithm highlighting specific sound frequencies similar to the human voice.


Learn more about SSP or RRP and its support for many symptoms and conditions. It works with other therapies and is safe and effective for all ages. If you want to learn more about what to expect from the SSP or RRP experience, click the links below or contact Laura.