You Need To Know There's a Hidden Treasure in the Wait
Laura Longville
Have you noticed how much we wait? We tap our foot in the long line at the post office or grocery store. We yell at the traffic light so stream of traffic will move faster (like that’s going to help!).
We worry as we wait for college acceptance or rejection letters or lab results. We fret about the stock market fluctuation and it’s impact on us this time.
We wonder if we are in the right job, what's it going to be like when our kids leave home or now that I’m single……what’s next?
Expectantly, we wait on the tarmac to fly somewhere exciting. Or burst at the seams waiting for our first grandchild to arrive.
Our lives are filled with waiting!
Most of the time, the wait is annoying. We’re irritated because we have too much to do or frustrated we’re at the mercy of someone else!
Other times, we’re excited to meet someone for the first time or are “wholeheartedly in” to try something new.
When waiting, or the in-between, we either focus on the past or future. Rarely, are we in the moment.
The in-between drive us mad! We feel stagnant or frozen in time! It feels like nothing is happening at all.
What if that’s not true?
What if there is more going on behind the scenes, under our radar and in the moment than we think?
Imagine if something significant, meaningful or epic was happening in our waiting or in-between.
Imagine there is something going on from the inside out. Shannon Geurin, in her article, When Change is Hard states, “there is an internal change that happens and it makes it way from the inside out.”
What if you could transform your waiting by a simple, yet significant shift in perspective?
Imagine God is up to something in the wait and there's a hidden treasure for you?
Next time you’re in-between, pause and let go of your agenda. Use the wait as an opportunity for awareness, connection and a chance to be right where you are.
God is with you and he is up to something. Emily Freeman says in her book, A Million Little Ways, “A lot happens in the transition (in-between) secret things, beautiful things and Spirit-led things.”
Next time you find yourself waiting:
Let yourself catch up with you.
Allow your mind to quiet, your body relax and your spirit connect to the wise Spirit.
Jesus, our greatest teacher waited on his Father frequently. He waited for instructions. He waited for clarity and he rested in-between. Let’s learn from Jesus and practice his way of life.
Romans 12: 2 Fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. ~The Message
Next time you’re in-between or waiting or wish you were somewhere else; fix your attention on God and recognize that God is at work. Watch and listen for His ways. Trust there is movement in the waiting.
Imagine there is a treasure waiting for you. A gift you may miss if you’re annoyed or too eager. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss any treasures from God!
Wait expectantly as God is up to something!