Passionate, Clear Vision = Successful Year
Laura Longville
Did you know that stepping into 2017 with clarity and intention could move you down the road to success?
There are many creative ways to set goals, generate a vision for the year or start fresh. Be reflective, purposeful and thoughtful when planning for the upcoming year.
2016 was a full year. You accomplished a lot and a year of life transpired. I bet there is some things you’d like to leave behind and others you’d eagerly bring into the New Year.
Your vision or intention is a clear picture of something that you want to exist in the future.
With this in mind, below you will find 3 simple questions to help you sort this all out. Before you do answer the questions, consider this.
God has a plan for you; a personal, unique and special plan just for you.
Do you know what it is?
I encourage you to deliberately seek God’s heart for you. Ask God for His guidance and direction as you contemplate this upcoming year.
Here’s a prayer to get you started.
You see my whole life, from beginning to end as I think about the next year. Help me leave my ideas or goals behind if they are not a part of your plan. I long for this upcoming year to be in your will.
Mold my passions with yours. Take my regrets, setbacks and shape them into something grace-filled and worthy. Weave this into a vision for 2017.
Take some time to answer these questions.
· What were your celebrations, successes, joys and milestones?
· What were your disappointments and frustrations?
· What did you learn about yourself and life?
If you find this a little challenging, seek the help of a trusted friend or family member. They may have a unique perspective that could help.
Now, create a simple vision statement where your setbacks become wisdom in disguise. Build upon your milestones and celebrations to shape a vision for 2017.
Vision leads the leader. It paints the target. It sparks and fuels the fire within. ~ John Maxwell. *
Your vision statement should be:
· Written down
· Not longer than one sentence.
· Easily understood
· A statement that builds priorities and a plan of action.
Here are a few sample intention statements.
· Make my relationship priority.
· Be a safe and fun place for our children to bring their friends to.
· Health. Body. Mind. Spirit.
· Nurture friendships and invest in others.
Don’t sweat this too much. It’s not worth getting upset about the “right” words or perfect statement.
The whole point is to step into 2017 with focus and purpose. Life is too short to show up haphazardly.
Once you have your vision, write down 3 simple steps you’re going to take to move towards the vision. Next, identify someone who can hold you accountable.
People who write down their goals and have someone hold them to it, are much more likely to achieve their goals. I know you want to be successful too!
The reality of 2017 will also bring obstacles, unexpected interruptions and flops. No worries. Pick yourself up, keep your focus and let your vision guide you forward.
Leave your vision/intention statement below for all to see and share in your excitement!