I Totally Gagged at This
Laura Longville
I despise the taste of bananas. Jell-O, too! Come to think of it, I don’t care for guacamole either.
When I was younger, my sister would sit across our family table and squish bananas through her teeth at me. She would laugh as I gagged. Once I started gagging, she full on tortured me with slimy, gross banana slobber all over her face.
Once she figured out how to torment me, she proceeded to do the same with Jell-O and guacamole. To this very day, I can’t eat a banana, Jell-O or guacamole. It’s not that I don’t like the taste; it’s a texture thing!
On the other hand, that first bite of mouth-watering chocolate cake is delightful. I say to myself (and sometimes out loud), “ WOW, this is the best thing ever. Life can’t get much better!” I savor every bite like it will be my last.
What are some of your favorite foods? Is there anything you don’t like or gag at?
Food is amazing. It’s bursting with flavor, texture and aroma. It’s also a gift from God. He has a fantastic sense of humor when you think of all the different tastes we experience in a lifetime.
Taste is one way that God’s presence becomes a reality for us. Not only in the sacraments but also in a robust cup of coffee, a slice of well-aged cheese or in a freshly baked blueberry muffin. He gives food for our pleasure and sustenance.
Have you ever thought about tasting God in what you put in your mouth? “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8. When I taste the burst of flavor from a red, plump strawberry I am reminded of God’s sweet love for me. In contrast, the spike of heat my mouth experiences as I bite into a ghost pepper, are like unleashed anger.
Spiritual learning happens when we are attentive and awake to our taste buds. Today or tomorrow notice what your food tastes like. Pay attention to the tastes and consider the following.
· What does joy taste like?
· What flavor does bitterness have?
· How does fear taste?
· Do you taste contentment is a specific food or drink?
“Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words. For they release sweetness to our souls and inner healing to our spirits.”
The words we speak can be sweet to the soul or acidic to our spirits. Kind and wise words satisfy like a good meal. We all long for a rich, nourishing banquet of conversations.
Won’t you join me in the days to come and notice the taste of the words you speak? Do they satisfy? Are they fulfilling?
Sometimes it’s difficult to speak with love when feelings are hurt or when disagreements are deep-rooted. We can purposefully “squish bananas or Jell-O” at those we are talking with or we can speak words that honor to one another.
With the Holy Spirits help, we can choose words that are sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. We can awaken our senses and choose to bring life to those around us.