Companionship For The Journey
Laura Longville
Tired and Worn Out?
Life has a way of draining everything out of us slowly until we wake up one day and realize that we are living gravely tired and disconnected, not just physically but deep down in the most sacred place of all; our soul.
Whether the pandemic of 2020 has pushed you into this weariness or you’ve become aware that you have been living this way, it’s time to take action. But the action may surprise you.
Your next step may be an invitation from God.
Now, not all invitations are the same. You know what I mean. When you get the request to attend a wedding that you really don’t want to go to or an offer is extended to your child to go to a friend’s birthday party but it’s at the most inconvenient time. You put the invitation in a pile and plan to RSVP later. You procrastinate and begrudgingly respond with a “yes”.
You’re Invited to Something Different
God’s offer is unusual. It’s an invitation to rest and reflect on your life, with Him. It’s not a request for a few minutes, but to build a sustainable way of life. Where you can recover real rest for your soul, body, and spirit. You’ll find an oasis in Him and He can refresh you.
Trying to do life on your own probably got you into this trouble. In spite of that, His invitation includes a community of others who desire the same thing. You don’t have to take action on your own. There are many others like you. There’s companionship for the journey to an abiding communion with God.
A Community For You
A community of people longing for more is gathering together this fall. Walking in Grace, Inc. presents The School of Contemplative Life (SCL). SCL will introduce you to the contemplative tradition and ground you in life-giving practices that support it. This slow-paced communal and formation experience will impact you in deep, life-altering ways, growing your awareness of God, self, and mission.
Take Action
To find out more about how this could help you, visit our website. In addition, if you’d like to learn more about SCL and how this could nourish your body, soul and spirit please attend 1 of 3 Contemplative Teasers on June 17th at 11:30 am MT. The 1-hour experience is an “appetizer” meant to feed you on your contemplative journey. Click on the link to attend.. Password is hope