Nothing Magical, Only Intentional
Laura Longville
Even though we may wish, nothing magical happens when we move from 11:59 PM on December 31, 2020, into 12:00 AM on January 1, 2021. Maybe the transition is more of an intentional shift in our perspective?
With the chaos and uncertainty of 2020, we all hope that 2021 will be different.
My hope for us all is to focus on two things in the upcoming year.
1. Deepening your relationship with God and
2. Developing, nurturing, or widening your community of support.
This past year has shown me how vital these relationships are to me. We are designed to be in a relationship with God and others. It’s when life feels shaken up, unfamiliar, and unpredictable that we need someone to help us through.
I think we live in the best of times where we have many opportunities for support and encouragement!
About 36 years ago, my healthy support system was non-existent. I was in the depths of my addiction and did not trust anyone. I had finally hit bottom and was willing to try anything to get better. As a result, I found my first healthy support; 12 step groups. They taught me how to live clean and sober, fully alive, to truly trust others, and allow others to help me.
As I continued to trust others and learn more about myself, I expanded my network of support to include: therapy, church, authentic friends, and eventually God. Many times over the last 36 years, I sought help. Life is full of pain, loss, and uncertainty. I don’t have to do life alone. Going through life’s challenges with others helps lighten the burden.
Not Familiar with Support?
You, too, can establish and cultivate meaningful and supportive relationships. If you aren’t used to thinking about relationships that can nourish and hold you up when times are tough, let’s brainstorm a bit.
Who in your life might you be able to trust?
What about them draws you to them?
Even though it’s a bit scary, what characteristics do they have that you feel safe to share what’s going on with you?
Do you have an interest in hiking, knitting, playing sports, stamp collecting, etc.? Maybe you could reach out to someone in that group and talk with them. Could you get to know them a bit more? This is one way to develop new friendships.
Facebook and other social media offer interest groups to get involved with. For instance, a new eating plan (KETO, WW, Whole Foods, etc.), meditation, and prayer, or you can actually search “Discover Groups on Facebook.”
Zoom and other virtual platforms are a way to connect with other people all over the world.
These ideas are a start. They are an initial way to pursue relationships that can be mutually beneficial.
Still Longing for More?
Even if we have compassionate and encouraging relationships we may long for more. It doesn’t mean these relationships aren’t good, it just might be a nudge from God. Often times our longings are an invitation from God.
What if He is seeking you, pursuing you? He is interested in what you want. He wants you to know that you are seen, loved, and appreciated.
Why not spend time with God?
You can cultivate, strengthen, and grow your relationship with God in a way that will sustain you through challenging times.
There are multiple ways to spend time with God. Here are a few ways to get you started.
Pray-Ask God to guide you.
Join a Bible Study-this is a way to know about God through his written word. The more you know about him, the more you can know yourself.
Spend time in nature-After all, He created it.
Read a book about God. One of my favorites is an Invitation to a Journey, by Rober Mullholand
Participate in Spiritual Direction-Don’t know what that is? Click this link. There are a few openings in the group. Email, call text me if you’re interested in more information.
Participate in a group of like-minded God-focused people. Maybe there is a group that you could get involved in at church or in the community. One idea is:
The School of Contemplative Life (SCL) is a leisurely paced, yet extensive introduction to contemplative living. It’s a communal journey, that is experiential and interactive. A new online group starts in March. Maybe you could join us? Find out how click here.
As you can see there are so many ways you can be connected and supported in this upcoming year. No need to do it alone. We can journey together; surrounded by grace and love. Yet, this kind of support won’t just show up. We need to live on purpose and with intention.
Like I said earlier, nothing magical happens as we transition into 2021 but something life-changing could.
What can you commit to?
I’d love to hear about what you’re already doing and what you’re willing to step into in 2021. Let’s journey together.