Do Something Radical!
Laura Longville
Stand there, don’t just do something
“Don’t just stand there, do something!” were words I heard from my dad. In other words, “get busy!” I haven’t heard him say this for a long time even though he lives a full life and is hard-working. I admire my dad as he’s had multiple successful businesses in his lifetime and runs a hobby ranch at the age of 84. I’ve learned a lot from him.
Growing up in an entrepreneurial family taught me to set goals and work hard to achieve them. We are fortunate to live in a country that supports and encourages such hard work. It’s the “American Way.” Wikipedia states that “At the center of the American way is the belief in an American Dream that is claimed to be achievable by any American through hard work. It stresses incessant activity on their part, for they are never to rest but are always to be striving to "get ahead".
It's also unfortunate that “incessant activity” is rewarded, and we are “never to rest but always strive to get ahead.” That sounds exhausting and the pursuit of the American dream doesn’t guarantee success or fulfillment.
Live a different way
Many years ago, my husband and I decided to find a different way of life. One where we could bring the best of what we learned from our parents into our family AND live God’s way. We didn’t know how to do this; we had no clue.
That’s why the statement, “stand there, don’t just do something” got my attention. Instead of frantic busyness or never-ending to-do lists, we chose to live a slower-paced life. We had no clue on how to do this either!
Stand there was our first command. That is so counter-culture, counter-family motto, counter American way, and counter-intuitive. Yet, the imperative to stand there helped us pause and pay attention.
Pause to listen to what is important. At that time our priorities included our marriage, 3 daughters, working in professions that help others, growing in our relationship with God, and having fun.
We had to pay attention to our lives. We had to actively and purposefully assess where we were and where we were headed. Sometimes that evaluation was done on the run. No standing still, there wasn’t time for that! The demands of life inevitably took over, ending in exhaustion, anger, and disappointment.
“Stand there, don’t just do something. ”
We eventually realized we needed to stand still, not just do something. Instead of perpetual motion, activity, and pursuit of our goals, we needed to notice the pace of our lives and do something different. “If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done, You Always Get What You’ve Always Gotten.” I’m not sure who said that, but it is true!
Over the past 25 years, we have tried to do something radical. We wanted to affect the fundamental nature of our family and our lives. We had to do something different so we could get different results.
For Reflection
For each person or family, this will look different. I think there are a couple of things we can all consider as we reflect on the benefits of the statement, “stand there, don’t just do something.”
1. Does this statement cause me to pause? Why?
2. How do I “stand there” when I live a full life?
3. What are the benefits of doing something radical like this?
I hope this blog helped you to begin to answer question #1. For questions 2 & 3, in the next few weeks, I will be offering simple and maybe revolutionary tips on how to give this a try. Watch for the tips on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. If you aren’t following us on these social media sites, head over and follow and get the tips. Click here for more tips