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Blog Posts

Walking in Grace Blog.  Walking in Grace, Inc. Laura Longville. Rapid City Counselor. Intensives. Equine Workshops. Motivational Speaker. Faith Based Motivation. Faith Counseling. Counseling. 

Can You Hear It?

Laura Longville

Can you hear it?

A long pause followed that unusual question from my sweetheart. We were standing out in our yard after several days of blustery winds, harsh temperatures and ten inches of snow. This particular spring morning, we applauded the crisp blue sky and warmth from the sun. A few steps into our walk, I noticed the crunching of snow under foot. We stepped up our walk to warm ourselves up and my sweetheart says, “Can you hear it?”

We both stopped walking. Nothing….

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Marriage and Addiction: Can it Work?

Laura Longville

If you love someone struggling with an alcohol or drug addiction problem, you know it is a terrible disease that directly impacts that person’s life and relationships. If it happens to be your spouse fighting drug dependency, you not only watch from afar but fight for recovery from the front lines.

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How To Find The Right Therapist For You

Laura Longville

Hiring a therapist can be one of the most important AND scary steps you take. Unfortunately, most people don’t take time choosing their therapist. Think about how important it is to have this person be the right choice. After all, you will most likely share things with this person that you haven’t shared with others. You’re seeking their expertise to your problems.

It's critical to take the time to interview potential therapists. Whether you are struggling with a mental illness, an addiction or family problems, having the appropriate person on your team is essential to your mental health.

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Top 7 Video Marriage Tips

Laura Longville

Simple and practical marriage tips can help you grow your relationship.

On purpose. Together.

Marriage is challenging and very rewarding, all at the same time. The whole goal is to intentionally strengthen your relationship. What you give your attention to grows. Here are the top video marriage tips for 2016.

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A Letter From The Grave: A Message of Hope for Suicide Loss Survivor

Laura Longville

Authors Note:  If you experience suicidal thoughts, the following post could be potentially triggering. You can contact the Crisis Text Line by texting “START” to 741-741.

Dear Beloved,

You are not the same person since I killed myself.

I see how devastated you are. I’ve left you with so many unanswered questions, and I know you feel like you are losing your mind trying to sort out everything. I’m sorry. To read more.....


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