Did you know that stepping into 2017 with clarity and intention could move you down the road to success?
There are many creative ways to set goals, generate a vision for the year or start fresh. Be reflective, purposeful and thoughtful when planning for the upcoming year.
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Family can provoke feelings of love, protection, dig up emotions of loneliness and abandonment or wake up something between.
We don’t get to choose our family of origin. It chooses us.
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Ever had one of those days when you felt like no one cares? Like everything you did that day went unnoticed and didn’t seem to make a difference to anyone. You pretty much felt invisible.
Do you seem to do the same thing over and over again without much satisfaction, let alone passion?
Our dailiness can feel empty and futile. The daily grind can be hidden and lonely, filled with feelings of sadness and fear. Find out how to find your life in the hidden daily grind.
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Tell God about your tired, weary and burned out soul. He’s interested and wants to listen. He actually has the answer to your questions. Recover your life, find more meaning and purpose in this blog series.
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Have you ever noticed how much you wait? A lot! Why not turn it from something annoying and frustrating to a peaceful and expectant wait. Find the hidden treasure in waiting.
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As a "women only" 3 day event, we'll have the time and safe place needed to explore issues that matter to us. As an event catered towards business women, we'll dive into topics that emotionally drain working women most frequently.
So if it's been a while since you invested in yourself, consider joining us at The Spark this November.
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Susan was struggling in her marriage. She was visibly upset, crying and in pain as she sat across from me in my office. She was “at the end of her rope”, didn’t know what to do and was ready to give up.
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