If you find your relationship stressed to the max or want to prevent major trials and tribulations during your project, read this article, Top 3 Reasons Couples Fight During Their Construction Project for additional ideas to set yourself up for success.
2. Remember that you are on the same team. You’re building or remodeling this house together. Work together, not against one another. Look for the commonalities of what you desire in your home.
When you are in conflict, remember that you’re not enemies. It helps to focus on areas of success and to create a sense of unity. When you collide with differences, remember to honor them in one another and listen with open ears and heart. Hear you partner out. By truly listening and looking for what you have in common, you can find solutions that make you both happy.
3. Celebrate, Celebrate, And Celebrate! Enjoy yourself and the many interesting moments of your project. And make it a point of delighting in your progress. You’ll no doubt experience a number of setbacks, but if you learn to look for the positive, you’ll get the encouragement and energy you need to keep going.
By following these three simple suggestions, you’ll be able to embrace the sometimes-overwhelming process of building or remodeling your home and keep the love in your relationship.
An additional resource that wholeheartedly helps you and your spouse successfully tackle your home construction project together is our book Break Ground Without Breaking Up; 7 Keys to Securing a Strong Relationship While Building or Remodeling Your Home. It’s a relational floor plan, and a set of keys to help you navigate the journey of home construction with as little stress and conflict as possible.
For more information visit our web site .