It Happened One Day
Laura Longville
It happened one day, out of nowhere. Then it happened again.
They were random feelings: gratitude, joy, exuberance, contentment and love.
They exposed themselves at indiscriminate times. The first time it happened I was about to get into my car. I had one foot in the car, the other firmly planted on the street, my purse slung over my shoulder and multiple shopping bags in my other hand. Trying to delicately slide into the drivers seat, I had an overwhelming rush of love come over me, one that; completely warmed my soul.
The second time it happened, I was standing in the kitchen next to my husband as he was doing dishes. We were cleaning up after our daughter and son-in-law’s baby shower. It was a hot flash of “all is well”. The kind of hot flash that starts slowly, then heats me up.
These feelings appear out of nowhere, like I’m being showered with undeserved goodness and love.` It’s like the familiar feeling of drinking a cup of hot chocolate and warming from the inside out.
All is well.
Never Thought it Was Possible
These random feelings got me to think about my life. I remember a time when I didn’t think I would ever experience something like this. It’s even hard to put into words, as it really is a spiritual experience that is difficult to explain.
From my early 30’s into my late 40’s life was very full! It involved being a mom to 3 very different and sometimes challenging girls. My life was organized around their school, Awana, dance, gymnastics and voices lessons.
I became a chauffeur when needed, sometimes driving almost 100 miles in a day. Just like you, I had disgusting bathrooms that needed to be cleaned, and dishes, laundry and mail piled high screaming for my attention and “Mom!” being yelled repeatedly.
I was exhausted!
I arranged my workdays around my husbands schedule so one of us was available to be home with the kids. I was fortunate to have the flexibility to choose part-time and full-time work as needed. In the midst of this, God called us to home school our kids on and off for most of their schooling years. I was overwhelmed to say the least.
In addition, like most families; life happens. We had marriage problems that encompassed counseling and a separation. We had years of conflict with our daughter’s behaviors and attitudes. Illness. Death. Loss of dreams. Grief and Anger.
There were times when I thought, “Is this worth it? Does this hard work pay off? I don’t know if I can keep doing this!”
Friends, mentors and professionals said to me in a variety of ways, “Yes, it’s worth it. Your dedication and commitment will pay off someday. Keep your eyes on God, remember His promises and put one foot in front of the other”.
They had promised that one day I would be on the other side of the daily grind.
They assured me that all the prayer, bible study and time with the Lord would give me relief, perspective, guidance and peace. There were days when I felt my prayers were unanswered. I seemed like a waste of time to study the Word and who has time to get away with Jesus anyway. What the heck, I couldn’t even get to the bathroom by myself!
But…the advice I was given was true!
I was promised that reaching out to close friends for help, seeking professional guidance and being gut-wrenchingly honest would change my life. There were definitely times I thought I would explode with anger. I had even cried myself to sleep multiple nights in a row and felt so numb I didn’t know what to do next.
They were right!
Nonetheless, I kept putting one foot in front of the other and did what was asked. See, I knew these people were Jesus in the flesh. They had my back. They carried me when I couldn’t walk. They even let me borrow their faith when I didn’t have any. I knew deep in my heart they had Jesus at the center of their life so I could trust them!
“I knew deep in my heart they had Jesus at the center of their life so I could trust them! ”
I don’t know how God is going to do this for you; but I have faith that He will. He will because in His nature he longs to be gracious to you. When you’re stuck on the hamster-wheel of life, overwhelmed with grief or wondering if things will ever get better; look to God. Pour your heart out to Him and he is a God of compassion and understanding.
Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! ~Isaiah 30:18
I believe God blesses us through significant relationships including our relationship with Him, friends, mentors and occasionally an unfamiliar person. The joy we feel and the washing of His goodness that comes over you and I today, are only from Him.
When you find yourself in the deep trenches of daily duties or life’s unexpected trials become overwhelming, trust God in the following ways to keep going:
Rely on our promise-keeping God. As Whitney Capps of First 5 Ministry puts it, “Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past lets us embrace the difficulties of the present and the uncertainties of the future.”
- If you need support, encouragement and guidance; God hears your cries. Call out and pray, “I need help Lord. I’m overwhelmed, tired, sad, hurt, angry, and fearful… I don’t’ know what to do next, but I know you do. Please help me listen for your direction and reassurance. Help me to remember that this is only a season in my life. Give me hope to keep going. In Jesus Name, Amen”
He also uses our friends, family and professionals to assist us when we need help. Reach out to others, as you don’t have to do life alone!
- Keep the course. When you’re weary, disillusioned or hurting, keep your eyes on the Lord. He will guide you and before you know it; all is well.
I don’t’ expect to be flooded or showered with an overwhelming sense of awe on a daily basis. However, I delight when God gives me a glimpse of eternity with Him as he overwhelms me with joy, love and the knowing that; all is well.
I pray my dear sisters and brothers that you too will experience His goodness, know you are loved and that all is well.
I am linking up with this blogger this week at