Love The One You're With
Laura Longville
“ I loved it when you stopped by my office the other day”, whispered my husband. “You haven’t done that in a long time.”
My heart fluttered with a gentle feeling of love.
A sweet blow-in-the-ear was all it took and I had him. I hadn’t done that…well I guess I can’t even remember the last time. It was a simple gesture by stopping by his work to connect with my husband and tell him how much I loved him.
I was practicing my advice of the 10-Day Challenge to Love The One You’re With. It was Day 3-give without sparing is grounded in Proverbs 21:26 Giving without expectations is the first act of love that inspired my act of love that day.
I am hopeful that God has flooded your marriage with His encouraging words (tips) from our 10-Day Challenge to Love the One You’re With. Each day a scripture helped you focus and “show up” in your marriage.
While guidance from scripture appears simple, it is challenging to carry out. His words speak to our longings and needs.
Life throws curve balls. Unexpected things happen. People change, your spouse changes and so do you.
Before you know it, you’ve grown distant and distracted. Disagreements go unresolved, tempers flare and the silence becomes deafening.
“God is all-powerful as you consent to his action within you.”
Yet, God is all-powerful ass you consent to his action within you. When you allow Him to work through you and love the one you're with; you move toward him or her in love.
Simplify Your Efforts
- Simplify your prayers. Focus on one or two words as your daily intention.
- Print off each graphic sprinkled throughout this post and
- Use it as bookmark or
- Stick it on the mirror in your bathroom or car.
- Do 1 Thing. That’s it.
- Take one suggestion from the 10-Day Challenge or do any other tip, suggestion, recommendation or piece of advice to Love the One You’re With!
- Meditate on it.
- Put in your calendar and set up alerts to remind you of your intention.
- Check in at the end of the day and celebrate your efforts.
Let the simplicity and strength of Gods word shepherd you. Here are the simplified, short prayers paired together as a reminder for your daily mediation and goal.
The post is shared on Moments of Hope