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Blog Posts

Walking in Grace Blog.  Walking in Grace, Inc. Laura Longville. Rapid City Counselor. Intensives. Equine Workshops. Motivational Speaker. Faith Based Motivation. Faith Counseling. Counseling. 

Companionship For The Journey

Laura Longville

Life has a way of draining everything out of us slowly until we wake up one day and realize that we are living gravely tired and disconnected, not just physically but deep down in the most sacred place of all; our soul.

Whether the pandemic of 2020 has pushed you into this weariness or you’ve become aware that you have been living this way, it’s time to take action. But the action may surprise you. Click on the link to find out what action may be helpful for you.

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Contemplative Teaser # 1

Laura Longville

This month's Contemplative Teaser, the first of three, introduces you to contemplative living. God invites you into a deeply personal, and sustainable life with Him. You can experience a maturing depth in your walk with God.

Are you intrigued and wonder how this could be possible for you? It is feasible and completely within your reach.

Attend our 1-hour teaser to contemplative living.

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