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Blog Posts

Walking in Grace Blog.  Walking in Grace, Inc. Laura Longville. Rapid City Counselor. Intensives. Equine Workshops. Motivational Speaker. Faith Based Motivation. Faith Counseling. Counseling. 

This Four Letter Word Could Change You

Laura Longville

No matter what season or chapter of life you’re in, it can be challenging to find balance. Sometimes, you irrationally think you can balance all your commitments like a juggler keeping multiple balls in the air.

Time alone seems impossible, let alone a day of rest. Don’t lose heart. A day of rest IS possible. Find out how…..

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What might draw you to spiritual direction?

Laura Longville

People ask about Spiritual Direction, what happens in a session and why someone would go to spiritual direction. In this post, I’ll discuss what might draw you to spiritual direction. Maybe YOU will hear God’s invitation?

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Four Simple Tips To Ending The Year Well

Laura Longville

Do you want to enjoy the Holidays and finish 2022 well? Today you can be intentional with your time, define whom you want to spend the Holidays with, and welcome the season with an open heart.

The idea is to keep it simple, straightforward, and on purpose. Check out these 4 simple tips.

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The Table is Powerful-Sometimes a Place of Brokenness

Laura Longville

Our tables can have painful memories carved into them. It too is the place where distance is most painfully felt. It is where children feel the tension between their parents, where brothers and sisters express anger and jealousy, where accusations are made, and where plates and cups become instruments of violence.

Around the table, we know whether there is friendship and community or hatred and division. The table can be a place of intimacy and where the absence of that intimacy is most painfully revealed.

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One way to be intentional about your spiritual formation

Laura Longville

We pay attention to our bodies and what is forming us physically. Some of us ask ourselves, “How am I feeling?” and “Do I like my thought life?” When we’ve taken this inventory, we then decide what we want to keep, alter or let go of. Why not ask the same questions regarding our spiritual life?

A good place to start is recognizing we are being formed spiritually, and we are able to do something about it.

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