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Blog Posts

Walking in Grace Blog.  Walking in Grace, Inc. Laura Longville. Rapid City Counselor. Intensives. Equine Workshops. Motivational Speaker. Faith Based Motivation. Faith Counseling. Counseling. 

The Table is a Powerful Place!

Laura Longville

The table is powerful. A place of connection, blessing, and sometimes, brokenness. Whether it’s your kitchen table, favorite restaurant, coffee shop, pub, picnic table, or lap…… that table creates and stirs deep emotions.

Most of us eat three meals a day. Over a span of a year, that’s 1095 meals. Countless meals are shared together with family, friends, and sometimes strangers. Stories are…..

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Who is feeding your soul?

Laura Longville


We’re all being shaped and transformed into something. Every thought, decision, and action we take, our feelings, relationships we enter into, and every reaction we

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Entrusting Ourselves to God

Laura Longville

The rhythm of silence and solitude amplifies our desire and ability to let things settle and notice interior movements and deep desires that may have been buried or blurry. Living in a distracted world creates a great challenge.

Join us for a spiritual journey with other like-minded individuals. Find rest, refreshment and hope.

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The Power of Contemplative Living

Laura Longville

Contemplative living can feel like a daunting desire at this time. How do we live on purpose with so many demands and uncertainties? How do we live a life full of meaning? Am I serving God?

This blog series will help you introduce you to the joy and peace of contemplative spirituality.

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Laura Longville

Thrive’s definition of “retreat” is all-encompassing, ministering to the whole woman, body, mind, soul, and spirit. In the morning we are fed spiritually through worship and teaching from our speaker Linda Dillow. Afterward, everyone gathers in small groups for discussion and prayer.

The afternoons are devoted to self-care. This may mean a nap, a hike in the beautiful Colorado mountains, or swimming in the pool. Many sign up for the self-care options that are offered by volunteers, such as pedicures, haircuts, counseling, and one-on-one prayer. There are many opportunities for further connection.

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Do Something Radical!

Laura Longville

“Don’t just stand there, do something!” were words I heard from my dad. In other words, “get busy!” We are fortunate to live in a country that supports and encourages such hard work. It’s the “American Way.”

It's also unfortunate that “incessant activity” is rewarded, and we are “never to rest but always strive to get ahead.” That sounds exhausting and the pursuit of the American dream doesn’t guarantee success or fulfillment.

We can do something radical and “Stand there, don’t just do something!”

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