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Blog Posts

Walking in Grace Blog.  Walking in Grace, Inc. Laura Longville. Rapid City Counselor. Intensives. Equine Workshops. Motivational Speaker. Faith Based Motivation. Faith Counseling. Counseling. 

Do you have a solitary relationship with God or a social one?

Laura Longville

As we begin to fully step out into the world from a couple of years of isolation, may we all be drawn back to one another and to God. Let’s be brave and step out of isolation and spiritual isolation, into a deeply connected community of people who love God and one another.

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Making Space for God

Laura Longville

The spiritual practice of simply carving out 15-30 minutes a day dedicated to putting myself in a space to hear from God, has transformed me into who I am today. I know it can be difficult to find the time especially if you’re a mom or dad of young kids, run a company, or work 2 jobs. If I can do it, so can you.

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If Money Doesn't Grow on Trees, What Does?

Laura Longville

Many years ago my grandfather asked what I wanted from Santa Clause. I proceeded to share my self-indulgent list of gifts I wished for. With irritation, he responded, “You know, money doesn't grow on trees! You want too many things, we’re gonna need a tree that grows money to buy you all the gifts you want.”

I had no idea what I had done wrong, but I had this sense that I had asked for too much. My face flushed bright red and I felt sick to my stomach.

As an adult….

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Join us on a journey of a lifetime

Laura Longville

I love adventure! I welcome an energetic hike to new mountain tops and valleys. Traveling to unfamiliar lands and cultures invites me to step out of what is expected. Even well-known trails feel brand new when I wear adventure in my heart.

Last year a few of us took a bicycling trek around the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington state. Our guide helped us navigate unknown territory with confidence and joy.

Many years ago, I visited my daughter in New Zealand and we jumped out of an airplane in tandem with an expert skydiver. I’ve white-water rafted some rough waters with a confident captain and rode horses deep into the mountains of Montana. They were all amazing escapades!

Do YOU like a good adventure?

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