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Blog Posts

Walking in Grace Blog.  Walking in Grace, Inc. Laura Longville. Rapid City Counselor. Intensives. Equine Workshops. Motivational Speaker. Faith Based Motivation. Faith Counseling. Counseling. 

Has This Happened To You?

Laura Longville

So many of us are hopeful that 2021 will be a refreshing and different experience from 2020. Nationally we are hearing pioneering promises regarding the containment of COVID, new leadership, and goals from our government and personally, many of us made new year intentions. This is inspiring!

In last month’s blog, I talked about the need to be intentional regarding how we start the year. Nothing magical happens, except lasting change is driven by desires, hope, dreams, commitment, and an action plan. Read more…..

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Nothing Magical, Only Intentional

Laura Longville

Nothing magical happens when we move from 11:59 PM December 31, 2020, into 12:00 AM on January 1, 2021. Maybe the transition is more of an intentional shift in our perspective?

My hope for you is that you focus on two things in the upcoming year.
1. Deepening your relationship with God and
2. Developing, nurturing, or widening your community of support.

You too can establish and cultivate meaningful and supportive relationships. Find out how.

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Insanity 911: 9 Tips To Getting Your Sanity Back

Laura Longville

Holiday’s in 2020 is anything but normal. With so much uncertainty, life can feel chaotic and disordered. Before we know it, we worry, feel anxiety, dread, and are terrified of the unknown. We become overwhelmed, powerless, we lose hope and our outlook becomes dark and dreary.

Even though these are unprecedented times, nothing is a surprise to God. Click on the link to find 9 tips on how to get your sanity back.

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Being Heard is Life-Changing

Laura Longville

Amidst the racial tensions, the pandemic, unemployment, and numerous uncertainties, people burn to feel heard. They want to know that someone understands them and that they matter. We hunger for change. These times offer us multiple opportunities to practice listening well. Listening doesn’t come easy to most. Being heard and understood can change a person. Find out more…..

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The Smell That Binds Them

Laura Longville

He smelled so clean and fresh as I lifted him out of the bathtub. I nestled my nose into his chubby little neck and placed a big, juicy kiss on him. He squealed with joy and slowly wrestled out of my arms to run down the hall naked. These moments are some of my favorite with my grandkids.

Often our strongest memories are linked to our sense of smell. Here’s why…..

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Come Close......

Laura Longville

“Come close” is the invitation from God.

I get a sense that I am being wooed by God to spend time with him, to draw near to him. After coming through a very busy month of August, that offer is attractive! Last month was filled with a vacation of a lifetime, the celebration of my oldest daughter’s political campaign, and one of the most painful experiences I’ve had in a long time.

Isn’t life like that? Click to read more….

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School of Contemplative Life Teaser # 3

Laura Longville

To our 3rd and final interactive School of Contemplative Life Teaser. God gives each of us a body to share the joy of life. Each of our senses connects us to the world around us and in us.

God is in the midst of our lives, all the time, even if….. Click link for more information

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A Practice of Grace-Sabbath Rest

Laura Longville

Author Keri Wyatt Kent states, “The Bible’s rationale for the Sabbath is simple: we, God’s image-bearers, function best by following God’s example, particularly in how we manage our time. Resting… reminds us of the miracle of creation and the gift God gave himself and his creatures. It reminds us how to dance the dance of life.”

Guest blogger, Jeannie Short shares more about how to make and keep rest a priority in our lives.

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