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Blog Posts

Walking in Grace Blog.  Walking in Grace, Inc. Laura Longville. Rapid City Counselor. Intensives. Equine Workshops. Motivational Speaker. Faith Based Motivation. Faith Counseling. Counseling. 

Christian Spiritual Direction: A Journey of Growth and Discovery

Laura Longville

Spiritual Direction is a journey to find God in your story, helps to foster a deeper relationship with God, discern God’s will, and so much more.

Spiritual Direction (SD) can lead to a life full of gratitude and hope in things to come. Explore the benefits of spiritual direction as a spiritual practice that creates space for God in your life. To read more…..

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Your Questions About Christian Spiritual Direction Answered

Laura Longville

Spiritual direction is a prayerful ministry of presence. The spiritual director’s role is to accompany another to discern the presence and activity of God within their lives; to uncover the often subtle movements of the Spirit, and to have the courage to faithfully respond to the leading of God.

There are many benefits……

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Are You Living Fast and Furious and Want Something Different?

Laura Longville

You’re on an alpine slide, slowly gliding out of the gate enjoying the beautiful mountainside scenery and the wind in your hair. Your glider is smoothly riding the rails and your heart races as you pick up speed. Quickly you use your break to round the first of many unexpected corners. Before you know it, a steep hill shoots you down the course, fast and furious. You may feel exhilarated and……. a bit out of control. Many like this feeling while others may be white knuckling it and feel green with fear.

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When All Else Fails

Laura Longville

At times, relationships become painfully unhealthy because of overwhelming crises, multiple challenging issues, or caustic communication patterns that erode the foundation of the marriage. 

It isn't easy to know where to turn for help. There is hope for those who are looking for healing and......

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