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Blog Posts

Walking in Grace Blog.  Walking in Grace, Inc. Laura Longville. Rapid City Counselor. Intensives. Equine Workshops. Motivational Speaker. Faith Based Motivation. Faith Counseling. Counseling. 

What Is It You Want?

Laura Longville

What is it you want?

A quote from Adele Calhoun, “Learn from Jesus as he keeps company with people who want something. Watch him attend to the hole in their heart that is bigger than the galaxy. Many of his deepest interactions with people get at two things: (1) the true nature of people’s desires and (2) a spiritual practice that helps them make space for God in their lives.”

Learn the spiritual practice of pausing and reflecting. You may get clear what your heart is longing for.

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Try This as You Enter Into The Holiday Season

Laura Longville

Slowing down, remaining still and finding quiet can refresh and revitalize our souls. It can be challenging because we have to-do lists, and long ones at that. We tell ourselves we don’t have enough time in our day to do nothing and we really don’t believe sitting a bit will really help.

Yet, it’s exactly what can fill your soul as you enter into the Holiday season. Give yourself the gift of self-care. Who knows, you may have more to give to others as you care for your body, soul, and spirit first.

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Living Fast and Furious? Want More?

Laura Longville

You’re on an alpine slide, slowly gliding out of the gate enjoying the beautiful mountainside scenery and the wind in your hair. Your glider is smoothly riding the rails and your heart races as you pick up speed. Quickly you use your break to round the first of many unexpected corners. Before you know it, a steep hill shoots you down the course, fast and furious. You may feel exhilarated and……. a bit out of control. Many like this feeling while others may be white knuckling it and feel green with fear.

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